The new 1.3hp 4 stroke backpack brush cutter for hilly area was launched by Honda India Power Products Limited on Thursday. The objective of launching a new variant is to offer a cost-effective solution to customers in the hilly and mountainous regions of the country. The new model has been designed for efficient removal of weeds in sloping farmlands and fruit orchards. The machine also offers an effective solution for weed removal amongst closely spaced row crops.
Vijay Upreti, Sr. Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Honda India Power Products said “With increasing scarcity of farm labour and shrinking farmland sizes, customers are seeking more portable solutions for their regular de-weeding and crop harvesting requirements. A large number of consumers today have started using brush cutters for their daily de-weeding, crop harvesting, farm & road-side maintenance needs”.
UMR435T backpack brush cutter comes in two variants, L2ST with 2-teeth bar blade & LEDT with 3-teeth blade & Nylon Line cutter offering customers a choice of cutting attachments suitable to the landscape. Ergonomically designed backpack harness with flexible shaft and coil spring mounted engine minimizes user fatigue so essential for long duration working.