The Brahmaputra Aamantran Abhiyan team which had been flagged off from Gelling in Arunachal Pradesh on the 23rd of last month reached Majuli in Assam yesterday. A public event along with a number of cultural activities were organised in an event that was also graced by the Chief Minister of Assam, Sarbananda Sonowal.
Assam CM Sarbananda Sonowal along with Brahmaputra Board Chairman Rajiv Yadav at the Brahmaputra Aamantran Abhiyan event at Majuli
Apart from the event, the team along with other dignitaries also visited some important satras in the river island and interacted with satradhikars, students and teachers. As part of the itinerary, a number of activities and presentations related to the theme of ‘Living with the River‘. A number of organisations associated with the Brahmaputra Aamantran Abhiyan like IIT Guwahati and Northeast Space Application Centre also took active participation in the proceedings providing demonstrations and building on awareness levels.
Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister Sonowal said, “Brahmaputra is our culture, Brahmaputra is our economy and Brahmaputra is our identity. Brahmaputra Aamantran Abhiyan is designed in a way for us to understand the intricacies of living in the Brahmaputra basin. We must learn how to sustainably and mutually benefit from the resources that the mighty Brahmaputra has to offer, all the while respecting nature and making efforts to preserve it.”
Undertaken by a team of NDRF personnel, the Brahmaputra Aamantran Abhiyan, is an initiative of the Government of India and being organized by the Brahmaputra Board (Ministry of Jal Shakti). This nearly month-long rafting expedition, is designed to be a public outreach initiative aimed at popularizing sustainable practices and river rejuvenation, primarily among the younger generation.
Along with the rafting activity, a combined data collection and sampling exercise on river water quality, river sediment, river bank erosion and fish habitat along entire route of the expedition, will also be conducted in collaboration with various technical institutes of the states.
“The main objective of the BAA is to understand how to co-exist with the river and understand its benefits. The expedition is not just about rafting and adventure spots, but a very important aspect is the scientific study which happening alongside. This will help in acquiring a lot of important information about the river, the soil and other important factors,” said the Chairman of the Brahmaputra Board, Rajeev Jadav.
The rafting team is scheduled to leave Majuli today and continue its journey towards its end at Assameralga in the South Salmara Mankachar District of Assam camping at several spots along the way including Guwahati and Tezpur.
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