Vedanta Limited on Friday announced that industry veteran and former CEO of Hindustan Zinc Ltd, Sunil Duggal has been elevated as CEO of the company. Earlier, in March 2020, Sunil Duggal was given additional charge as Vedanta’s Interim CEO. Former Tata Steel Vice President and Head of Mining, Arun Misra, succeeded him as CEO of HZL.
Sunil is associated with Vedanta for the past 10-yr and has over 35-yr of rich and diverse leadership experience. An active member of several industry forums, he is President of the Federation of Mining Industries (FIMI) and Chairman of CII’s Mining Committee.
Anil Agarwal, Chairman of Vedanta Ltd said ,“ Sunil is a proven leader with a wealth of strategic executive experience. He has motivated and lead teams to deliver high standards of operational excellence, stakeholder management, best-in-class people practices, technology, safety, ESG and carbon footprint.”
Sunil takes over as CEO at a time when Vedanta is gearing up for the next phase of growth with full commitment to the nation’s call for `Atmanirbhar Bharat’. Over 50 percent of our country’s imports are in the natural resources and we are striving to raise domestic production to substitute imports.
Commenting on his appointment, Sunil Duggal said, “Vedanta is a purpose driven company and it plays an important role in the economic progress of our country. I am committed to passionately lead the company with a higher purpose & to make sure both our company & communities prosper to make India self- sufficient.”